
Karen Cresswell

  • Financial Services Recruitment
  • Financial Services Employment Market
  • Future Earnings Assessment

Karen Cresswell has been employed in the recruitment industry for over 30 years and has held executive management roles within several respected, international, recruitment companies.  She has a comprehensive understanding of both permanent and interim recruitment policies, processes, and procedures.  She has supported a business to achieve a full listing on the London Stock Exchange and another to achieve an Aim listing.  Her contacts and client base are predominantly within financial services. 

Karen is currently Director of Alteris Partners which focuses on the identification of executive and senior management personnel in the banking and financial services sector.  She has a particular strength in the identification of risk and finance professionals. 

In 2023 Karen was engaged by a leading law firm acting for a major British bank, in an employment tribunal hearing where her expertise was called upon to determine the potential future earnings of the claimant, a banking risk management professional, taking into account prevailing (and projected) market conditions and salaries for permanent and interim personnel.